Chunlei Pei
Office: 54-419

Chunlei Pei (裴春雷) received his B.Eng (2006) from Chongqing University and PhD (2014) from University of Birmingham. He worked as a project officer for a European project – IPROCOM in University of Surrey (2014), and as a post-doctoral associate in Department of Material Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge. Dr Pei has research interests in powder and multi-phase technologies, using numerical methods (e.g. DEM, CFD and FEM) and experimental characterization methods (e.g. TPI and OCT), for applications in heterogeneous catalysis, pharmaceutical engineering and relevant chemical engineering areas.


2009. 09 – 2014. 07, University of Birmingham, School of Chemical Engineering, PhD
2006. 09 – 2009. 09, Chongqing University, College of Material Science and Engineering, PhD student
2002. 09 – 2006. 06, Chongqing University, College of Mechanical Engineering, BEng

Work Experience

2022. 06 – Present, Tianjin University, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Professor
2018. 10 – 2022. 06, Tianjin University, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Associate Professor
2014. 12 – 2018. 09, University of Cambridge, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, Post-doctoral Associate
2014. 02 – 2014. 11, University of Surrey, Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Project Officer

Selected Publications

1. Pei, C., Lin, H, Markl, D., Shen, Y.-C., Zeitler, J.A., Elliott, J.A., A quantitative comparison of in-line coating thickness distributions obtained from a pharmaceutical tablet mixing process using discrete element method and terahertz pulsed imaging. Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 192, 34-45.
2. Pei, C., Elliott, J.A., Asymptotic limits on tablet coating variability based on cap-to-band thickness distributions: A discrete element model (DEM) study. Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 172, 286-296.
3. Pei, C., Wu, C.-Y., Adams, M., DEM-CFD analysis of contact electrification and electrostatic interactions during fluidization. Powder Technology, 2016, 304, 208–217.
4. Pei, C., Wu, C.-Y., Adams, M., England, D., Byard, S., Berchtold, H., DEM-CFD modelling of particle systems with long range electrostatic interactions. AICHE Journal, 2015, 61, 1792-1803.
5. Pei, C., Wu, C.-Y., Adams, M., Numerical analysis of contact electrification of non-spherical particles in a rotating drum. Powder Technology, 2015, 285, 110-122.
6. Pei, C., Wu, C.-Y., Adams, M., England, D., Byard, S., Berchtold, H., Contact electrification and charge distribution on elongated particles in a vibrating container. Chemical Engineering Science, 2014, 125: 238-247.
7. Pei, C., Wu, C.-Y., England, D., Byard, S., Berchtold, H., Adams, M., Numerical analysis of contact electrification using DEM–CFD. Powder Technology, 2013, 248: 34–43.