Sai Chen
Associate Professor
Office: 54-417

Sai Chen (陈赛) received his BS (2015) from China University of Mining and Technology, MS (2017) and PhD (2021) from Tianjin University. He worked as a Post-doctoral Fellow in Tianjin University and University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Chen’s research focus on nanostructured materials, reaction kinetics and chemical looping technology in heterogeneous catalysis and chemical engineering.

2017.09 – 2021.01, Tianjin University, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, supervisor Prof. Jinlong Gong, PhD
2015.09 – 2017.07, Tianjin University, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, supervisor Prof. Jinlong Gong, MS
2011.09 – 2015.07, China University of Mining and Technology, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, BS

Work Experience
2023.02 – Present, Tianjin University, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Associate Professor
2021.10 – 2023.02, University of California, Berkeley, College of Chemistry, supervisor Prof. Enrique Iglesia, PostDoc
2021.01 – 2021.10, Tianjin University, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, supervisor Prof. Jinlong Gong, PostDoc

Selected Publications
1. Sai Chen, Zhi-Jian Zhao, Rentao Mu, Xin Chang, Jun Luo, Stephen C. Purdy, Jeremy Kropf, Guodong Sun, Jeffrey T. Miller, Xiaohong Zhou, Evgeny Vovk, Yong Yang, and Jinlong Gong*, "Propane Dehydrogenation on Single-site [PtZn4] Intermetallic Catalysts," Chem 2021, 7, 387-405 (Cover Story).
2. Sai Chen, Liang Zeng, Rentao Mu, Chuanye Xiong, Zhi-Jian Zhao, Luming Peng, Jun Luo, Liang-Shih Fan, and Jinlong Gong*, Modulating Lattice Oxygen in Dual-functional Mo-V-O Mixed Oxides for Chemical Looping Oxidative Dehydrogenation, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 18653-18657.
3. Sai Chen+, Chunlei Pei+, Xin Chang, Zhi-Jian Zhao, Rentao Mu, Yiyi Xu, and Jinlong Gong*, "Coverage-dependent Behaviors of Vanadium Oxides for Chemical Looping Oxidative Dehydrogenation," Angew Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 2-10 (Hot Article).
4. Sai Chen, Liang Zeng, Hao Tian, Xinyu Li, and Jinlong Gong*, Enhanced Lattice Oxygen Reactivity over Ni Modified WO3-based Redox Catalysts for Chemical Looping Partial Oxidation of Methane, ACS Catal. 2017, 7, 3548-3559.
5. Sai Chen, Xin Chang, Guodong Sun, Tingting Zhang, Yiyi Xu, Yang Wang, Chunlei Pei, and Jinlong Gong*, "Propane Dehydrogenation: Catalyst Development, New Chemistry, and Emerging Technologies", Chem. Soc. Rev. 2021, 50, 3315-3354.
6. Sai Chen, Chunlei Pei, and Jinlong Gong*, Insights into Interface Engineering in Steam Reforming Reactions for Hydrogen Production, Energy Environ. Sci. 2019, 12, 3473-3495.
7. Sai Chen, Chunlei Pei, Zhi-Jian Zhao, and Jinlong Gong*, "Structured Catalysts towards Efficient Propane Dehydrogenation", Acc. Mater. Res. 2020, 1, 1, 30-40 (Cover Story).

List of publications

陈赛,本科(2015年)毕业于中国矿业大学,硕士(2017年)和博士(2021年)毕业于天津大学,导师为巩金龙教授。2021-2023年,分别在天津大学巩金龙教授课题组、美国加州大学伯克利分校Enrique Iglesia教授课题组进行博士后研究工作。2023年加入天津大学化工学院巩金龙教授课题组,任副研究员。曾获第二届中国化学会菁青化学星火奖、京博化学化工与材料京博优秀博士论文奖-优秀奖、中国化工学会年会优秀论文奖等奖励。

迄今为止,以第一及共同作者在J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Chem、Angew Chem. Int. Ed.、Chem. Soc. Rev.、Energy Environ. Sci.、ACS Catal.等国际期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,累计引用2000余次。作为主要发明人申请中国、美国发明专利14项,授权发明专利10项。作为负责人主持中国博士后创新人才支持计划、博士后面上资助和国家自然科学基金青年基金。
