About US
Welcome to the homepage of the Energy and Catalysis Adventure Team. We are a diverse group of people with backgrounds in engineering and chemistry, aiming at providing new solutions for the global new energy strategy. Our group primarily uses experimental tools, occasionally coupled with theoretical calculations, to quantitatively characterize problems and to explore new research directions. Whenever possible, we actively collaborate with industry and scientists and engineers from many disciplines.
We enjoy challenges and collaborations. Feel free to visit us, either in person or on the web.
Latest Articles
Conformal iCVD-Modified Electrodes for Enhanced Mass Transfer in High Rate CO2 Electroreduction
Adv. Funct. Mater. 25-01-01
Modulating Lattice Oxygen through an Alkaline Earth Metal Promoter for Chemical Looping Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane
ACS Catal. 2024-12-23
Atomically Isolated Pd Sites Promote Electrochemical CO Reduction to Acetate through a Protonation-regulated Mechanism
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 24-09-26
Machine Learning-assisted Dual-atom Sites Design with Interpretable Descriptors Unifying Electrocatalytic Reactions
Nature Commun. 24-09-17