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Tengfang Passed his Dissertation Defense

Tengfang passed his dissertation defense today. Congrats! The title of his thesis is “Study on the Catalytic Performances and Mechanism of Propane Dehydrogenation over Supported vanadium Catalysts”. He will start his new career in Huizhou Yussen Chemical Co.,Ltd. All the best, Tengfang!

Prof. Xiaodong Chen visits our lab!

​Prof. Xiaodong Chen from Nanyang Technological University visits us today. He gave a talk titled “Mechanomaterials Design for Energy Storage”

Prof. Zhao has been appointed as Associate Editor of Chemical Engineering Science.

​Prof. Zhao has been appointed as Associate Editor of Chemical Engineering Science. Chemical Engineering Science (CES) has been publishing papers on the fundamentals of chemical engineering since 1951. CES is the platform where the most significant advances in the discipline have ever since been published. Chemical Engineering Science has accompanied and sustained chemical engineering through ...

Prof. Wang wins the Hou Debang Chemical Engineering Science and Technology Award.

​Prof. Wang wins the Hou Debang Chemical Engineering Science and Technology Award For Youth on October 14th at the 2017 CIESC Annual Meeting. The Hou Debang Chemical Engineering S&T Award dedicates to the memory of Mr Hou Debang for his whole life contribution to chemical industry and chemical engineering career development. Congratulations

ChemComm Symposium on Energy Science and Materials

Prof Gong host the ChemComm Symposium on Energy Science and Materials at Tianjin University. In the symposium, nine worldwide famous specialists discussed the recent progress and future trend in energy science and other interdisciplinary investigations such as advanced materials, nanotechnology, CO2 conversion, etc

Prof. Gong appointed as an editorial advisory.

Prof Gong has been appointed as an editorial advisory board member of ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering invites Letters, Articles, Features, and Perspectives (Reviews) that address challenges of sustainability in the chemical enterprise and advance principles of Green Chemistry and Green Engineering.Ang's work on "Synergy between Thin Heterojunctio...

Prof. Neyman visits our lab

​Prof. Neyman from Universitat de Barcelona visited us today and gave a lecture with the title “Modelling Catalytic Nanomaterials-as Simple as Possible, but not Simpler”. Welcome to Tianjin!

Welcome our freshmen!!!

​We are excited to welcome 19 new graduate students to the Energy and Environmental Catalysis Group. They are Xin Chang, Zhiqiang Chen, Hongfang Li, Lulu Li, Bin Liu, Rui Liu, Sihang Liu, Tao Liu, Jieli Wang, Meilin Wang, Shujie Wang, Xianhui Wang, Quan Xiao, Yufei Xie, Xintong Yuan, Gong Zhang, Xianhua Zhang, Chen Zhao and Jing Zhao. Welcome!

Prof. Wang has been appointed as Subject Editor of Renewable Energy.

​Prof. Wang has been appointed as Subject Editor of Renewable Energy. Renewable Energy seeks to promote and disseminate knowledge on the various topics and technologies of renewable energy systems and components. The journal aims to serve researchers, engineers, economists, manufacturers, NGOs, associations and societies to help them keep abreast of new developments in their specialist fields ...

Prof. Studt visits our lab!

Prof. Studt from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology visited us today and gave a lecture with the title “Thermal and Electrochemical Reduction of CO2”. Welcome to Tianjin

Prof. Xin Chen visits our lab!

​Prof. Xin Chen from Boston University visits our lab today. He gave a talk “Application of non-linear optics in surface science and catalysis”

Xiaoxia is elected as SciFinder Future Leader

​Xiaoxia is elected as SciFinder Future Leader. The program select only 24 Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers from around the world to collaborate with CAS scientists, innovators, and business leaders to expand their professional network and build connections.Congratulations!

Chengcheng’s work is highlighted by Advanced Science News

​Chengcheng’s work on “Surviving High-Temperature Calcination: ZrO2-Induced Hematite Nanotubes for Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation” is highlighted by Advanced Science News (Wiley). Congrats, Chengcheng!

Welcome Dr. Janewit Phromprasit to visit our research lab for the collaborative research between Tianjin University and Chulalongkorn University

Welcome Dr. Janewit Phromprasit to visit our research lab for the collaborative research between Tianjin University and Chulalongkorn University. The research topic is hydrogen production from sorption enhanced ethanol steam reforming using multifunctional catalysts. Feel free to discuss with Janewit about reforming catalyst and CO2 sorbent. 

13 New Group Members!!!

​We are excited to welcome 13 new graduate students to the Energy and Environmental Catalysis Group. They are Wanyu Deng, Shijia Feng, He Li, Kang Li, Sier Sang, Jimin Song, Guishuo Wang, Qi Wang, Yanan Wang, Yihe Wang, Chuanye Xiong, Piaoping Yang, and Wenjin Zhu. Welcome

Professor Gong wins the 2017 ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Lectureship Award.

​Professor Gong wins the 2017 ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Lectureship Award. The awards recognize early career (first 10 years or less) investigators’ research contributions to green chemistry, green engineering, and sustainability in the chemical enterprise from three geographic regions. Prof. Gong is the only laureate for Asia/Pacific, honored for development of chemical technol...

Xiaoxia’s Work on is Highlighted by Materials Views.

​Xiaoxia’s work on “Stable Aqueous Photoelectrochemical CO2 Reduction by Cu2O Dark Cathode with Improved Selectivity for Carbonaceous Products“ is highlighted by Materials Views. Highlighted by Materials Views: “Turning Greenhouse Gas to Valuable Carbonaceous Products in High Yield,” May 27, 2016

Zhiqi’s Paper is Selected as Cover Article on JACS

Zhiqi’s paper on “Synthesis of Platinum Nanotubes and Nanorings via Simultaneous Metal Alloying and Etching“ is selected as Cover Article by JACS. His paper on “Collapsed Polymer-directed Synthesis of Multicomponent Coaxial-like Nanostructures“ is also accepted by Nature Commun. Congrats

Two Cover Stories by Xiaoxia

​Xiaoxia’s paper on “Stable Aqueous Photoelectrochemical CO2 Reduction by Cu2O Dark Cathode with Improved Selectivity for Carbonaceous Products“ is selected as Cover Article and VIP Paper by Angew Chem. His paper on “CO2 Photo-reduction: Insights into CO2 Activation on Surfaces of Photocatalysts” is also accepted by Energy Environmental Science. Congrats!

Peng’s work is highlighted by Chemistry Views

​Peng’s work on “Synergistic Cocatalytic Effect of Carbon Nanodots and Co3O4 Nanoclusters for Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation on Hematite” is highlighted by Chemistry Views

Welcome Asso. Prof. Rentao Mu to join our lab!

​Welcome Asso. Prof. Rentao Mu to join our lab! Dr. Mu’s research interests include the molecular-level understanding of correlation between the structure and catalytic performance in heterogeneous catalysis, by employing surface science techniques and in-situ characterizations. Feel free to talk to Dr. Mu about his research experience.